Partizipa City is a role play game developed by the Institute of Applied Cultural Research Göttingen. The aim is to combat everyday racism, especially Islamophobia, in German institutions. The game is primarily aimed at employees of various institutions and is intended to raise the players' awareness of racism while at the same time showing and discussing spaces for action. In designing the game, it was particularly important to emphasise its playful character while providing orientation for the players within the various layers and materials of the game.
Development & Content: IFAK Göttingen
Art Direction & Design: Nike Dieterich
Illustrations: Hannah Witte
Adviser for Icon Development: Shorouk El Hariry
Partizipa City is a role play game developed by the Institute of Applied Cultural Research Göttingen. The aim is to combat everyday racism, especially Islamophobia, in German institutions. The game is primarily aimed at employees of various institutions and is intended to raise the players' awareness of racism while at the same time showing and discussing spaces for action. In designing the game, it was particularly important to emphasise its playful character while providing orientation for the players within the various layers and materials of the game.
Development & Content: IFAK Göttingen
Art Direction & Design: Nike Dieterich
Illustrations: Hannah Witte
Adviser for Icon Development: Shorouk El Hariry